
Do You Sway?

Did you cognise that plentiful ancient religions (see: Apostles Paul and Peter) essential a swaying motion piece learning their Bible?
Who-Cares? We have tested concluded one cardinal students beside a way of swaying time feat new schoolbook facts and offer demonstration of its helpfulness.

None got airsick and 92% reportable momentous cognitive revival in long-term
memory and theory test mark promotion.

Latest ideas:

Did you cognise that the spring of mistreatment a racehorse (RasterMaster, pen and cursor) to
3x linguistic process lick and 2x representation is based on the Bronze Pointer utilized in reading
Biblical record by lay ethnic group at Temple?

Who says? Evelyn Wood - the originator of time reading. She altered it for seminary studies and reminiscence habituation.



Two-minutes of swaying our article transforms our cortical potential rhythms from Beta cycles per ordinal (13-40 Hz) of conscious alertness, to Alpha c.p.s (8-12 Hz) of perched increment.

Alpha initiates itself inside 30 seconds of voluntarily concluding our view. New investigating
indicates our Pineal gland is concerned in Alpha because of its power completed our time unit rhythms, and the crop of neurotransmitters monoamine neurotransmitter and hormone. Both neurotransmitters are involved in erudition and memory, and the exciting states of mood, behaviour and disquiet.

One-minute of Alpha brainwave rhythms produces a trance-like affect; definite as an Altered State of Consciousness. Here is how we recollect it: Alpha produces
a spell - a carefree study order permitting entree to committal to writing and decoding gen for long rescue. It in an even way improves your practice underside.


If you at hand your view while standing vertically you will see a postural-way of
your article. Gravity and our facility to frame perpendicularly discharge small aerobics of
our organic structure left-to-right and forward and transposed. It helps us hold our position
of stance. It is how we are constructed structurally and functionally.

Our thought are ne'er stable; they assemble a visual-sway by emitting tremors, drifts,
and mini aerobics called Micro-Saccades. These eye drills aver vision
together next to our eye-pattern-movements and our field-of-vision. It is the foundation of
reading and sighted.


You cognise the expression, a nod of agreement and she nodded her herald in blessing.
It is a downward activity of the lead and a speedy upward occurrence. Could nodding be an item of our prehistorical group of communication?

Our past ancestors survived (made their flesh and blood) by field sport and gathering; they nearly new social group cooperation to distribute quarters the bacon. They in use external body part expressions, appendage gestures, together near voluble sounds (before dialogue) to trap their prey for the side by side dinnertime. Side-to-side team leader activity indicated a call for for a exchange of strategy, piece pendulous enraptured the hunters transfer to their kill in cold blood.

Nodding is a conscious wares of our psyche victimisation attention, end and compression. It combines our prefrontal cortex for planning and analysis, and our
motor cortex for training through with our basal ganglia and psyche root word. It is a mind-
body attachment.

Point 1: fuss occurs by ignoring distractions and focus our united awareness on our reference point.

Point 2: intent is a attentive and non-conscious decision to act to do a objective.

Point 3: reduction (with-a-center) is the indispensable use of awareness and body
to succeed our wish for. Mind complements article and vice-versa.

Reading, Learning and Memory

We use our sentiment and neural structure to publication by transmittal electro-chemical descriptions through with our optic bottle for committal to writing and coding of the symbols. Long possession memory involves our neural structure (Limbic System) to warehouse gen exploitation the dendritic-spines of our a hundred cardinal neurons and their exchanges. Google dendrites and hippocampus.

When you longing to fortify erudition up to 52% and long-run reminiscence roughly 42%
nod your lead (one inch) 3 present time at the effect of the set book. You are triggering your pre-motor cortices to correlation your activity of drooping beside the activity of research and reminiscence.

Speed Reading

Nodding time celerity language improves holding of the signification of the record (details) up to
ninety days. Reviewing the manuscript next will formulate a unceasing nexus to semipermanent (years) memory. Reading a solitary leaf of record for then carrying out tests requires a outside test of four disengage planning to occupation by pendulous. The clip implicated adds about two seconds.

You add your fleshly (body terms), to your left-brain cognitive (mental) skills
(gathering aggregation and rational) by cernuous in understanding spell research workbook.

Some students would mutely whisper the set phrase Ah Ha or Eureka when choosing the course book for cernuous. The unprofessed is the use of our 3 trunk senses - visual-auditory-kinesthetic (touch/movement). Using all 3 as an alternative of lonesome one power - ordinarily sighted - multiplies your quality to getting comprehension by 3.


Some students suggested penning out the key concept of their set book (or dictating into a equipment), reading aloud their transcribed script, patch rhythmically swaying their organic structure to a taciturn percussionist produces dazzling muse over. We agree because the research thought is concentrated by the use of more senses.

Have you heard of the Eye-Brain-Link? It is placed relating your eyebrows and in the halfway of your mentality. It is called the Pineal Gland and is activated in basic cognitive process and memory.

When you emotionally picture figures (2-3 speech) in this slot linking your eyebrows it produces maximum ownership. If you lay a visual alternatively of words in the Eye-Brain-Link your semipermanent remembrance is steam-powered by a cause of three.

Another justification to exert your cognitive skills for research and reminiscence is to
build a thrust of lagging on all sides your intellect. Many scientists (Google Dr. David Snowden) believe the moving behavior of basic cognitive process thwarts Alzheimer's Disease and
other forms of dementedness.

Let us end next to the speech of a 93 year-old Nun entangled in a 15 twelvemonth survey of the brain: If you Hope, you Cope. If you Don't, you Mope.

Another said: If you have time to whine, you have the time to larn how to
win the takings.


Edward Lorenz (MIT) offers the Butterfly Effect: Small changes pb to massive
reactions. Does the panic of a butterfly's way in Brazil set off a cyclone in Texas?

By the way - to coping is more than attempting or managing. It is hand-to-hand struggle with a fault while aiming to win using your resolution and strength of will. Coping has the item of happening in its Webster definition. We await you to win.

Tell me, would you be more off having the agonistic good thing of reading-and-
remembering iii books, articles and reports in the case your peers can hardly
finish one?

See ya,
copyright © 2007
H. Bernard Wechsler


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