1. What infectious agent is liable for Bird flu?
There are various subtypes of influenza \\"A\\" virus, which feeling in a varied way poultry, causing placid or bookish diseases to birds.
The maximum lethal subtype of influenza \\"A\\" infective agent is H5N1, also set to be incredibly suicidal to mankind.
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2. Why do we phone up the microorganism H5N1?
On the face of the infective agent are some proteins titled Hemagglutinin (HA) and Neuraminidase (NA).
Hemagglutinin allows the microorganism to unskilled person the infecting procedure and Neuraminidase prevents the new definite infective agent from exiting the host compartment. There subsist 16 famed HA subtypes and 9 NA subtypes of flu microorganism. The H5N1 infectious agent has in its artefact hemagglutinin form 5 and neuraminidase species 1.
3. Why essential we disconcert something like Bird flu?
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- H5N1 infectious agent has caused by now trillions of craniate deaths, and hundreds of humanity single in Asia;
- If the infective agent mutates it will daub from quality to human, feat a planetary pandemic;
- Chicken industry will be in earnest showy.
4. How can H5N1 infective agent infect humans?
Getting in juxtaposed interaction beside an dirty bird can front to quality toxic waste. People that purloin care, or trade in markets specified septic birds, look-alike chicken, domestic fowl and ducks, smoke particles from dried excrements, or feathers which are fouled.
5. How can we kickshaw Bird flu?
Untill now doctors have utilised medicine drugs obtaining fitting results, and they are ready and waiting for the enfranchisement of a H5N1 vaccine.
6. Which vaccines are presently anyone tested?
The Sanofi Pasteur vaccine (Swiftwater, PA) and the Chiron vaccinum (Emeryville, CA), some ready-made out of inactivated H5N1 viruses are woman proven by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
7. How did they get the H5N1 infective agent to compile a vaccine?
Researchers at St. Jude Children\\'s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, applied the reverse genetics method to generate this H5N1 mention virus, and past gave it to Sanofi Pasteur and Chiron to examination it.
8. What were the grades of the tests?
There was a promising end product proving that a double medicine of 90-µg all can rouse the exact status effect for the H5N1 microorganism.
9. Can an under cram immunogen elasticity me the flu?
No, because these vaccines are made out of inactivated H5N1 viruses.
10. What otherwise studies on Bird flu are state made?
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases are experimentation if the intradermic medication may be as immunizing as a bigger medicine administered intramuscularly and if adjuvants suchlike Aluminum compound and MF59 assist in any way.
11. What measures will the Government lift in crust of Bird Flu infections?
The management will interdict commerce chickens in the markets while in that is a danger of vertebrate flu and as well will hang up the imports of yellow from the dirty countries; will recommend culture to be away from any sympathetic of birds; will ask farmers to papers any suspect deaths ascertained on poultry.